Welcome to the prophetic life!

Session 190 - The Year to Come

Session 189 - Walking in Faith for What's to Come

Session 188 - Born of and Walk by the Spirit

Session 187 - Unlocking Your Spiritual Intelligence

Session 186 - Stay on your own Battlefields

Session 185 - Prophetic Revelation of the UN Statue

Session 184 - How to Have Hope in the Day You Are Living In

Session 183 - How to Engage in Prophetic Worship

Session 182 - Benefits of Prophetic Worship Part 2

Session 181 - Benefits of Prophetic Worship

Session 180 - How to Grieve in a Healthy Way

Session 179 - Special Report

Session 178 - Thanksgiving

Session 177 - Behind The Scenes of Sid Roth

Session 176 - The Power of Convergence Part 2

Session 175 - The Power of Convergence

Session 174 - Yellowstone Prophetic Dream

Session 173 -

Session 172 - Debrief from the big weekend

Session 171 -

Session 170 - Constellations

Session 169 - Life and laughter

Session 168 - My Jesus Encounter in 2015

Session 167 - Measuring Success

Session 166 - Serving the Way Jesus Does

Session 165 - Redemption

Session 164 -

Session 163 - Culture

Session 162 - Leanna and Me

Session 161 - The 12 signs and the 12 Tribes

Session 160 - How to Deal With Haters

Session 159 - Going to the Next Level

Session 158- Dreams

Session 157 - Forgiveness

Session 156 - Yom Kippur and 9-11

Session 155 - Questions Answered

Session 153 - Prophetic Insight on 9-11

Session 154 -

Session 152 - Divine Intelligence

Session 151 - Surprise

Session 150 - Afghanistan

Session 149 - Releasing a Deeper Worship

Session 148 - Prophetic Dreams

Session 147 -

Session 146 - Prophetic Markers

Session 145 -

Session 144 - Going after your miracle

Session 143 - Is The Vaccine a Sign of The Beast?

Session 142 - Spiritual, Emotion, and Financial Intelligence

Session 141 -

Session 140 - Be Watchful

Session 139 - Supernatural Sanity

Session 138 - Combatting the enemy with supernatural encounters

Session 137 - God will provide his platform

Session 136 -

Session 135 - Gods "yes" is better then His "no"

Session 134 -

Session 133 -

Session 132 - Prophetic Perception

Session 131 - Pastor Troy covers the Stars

Session 130 - Pastor Troy closes out NRB

Session 129 - Pastor Troy Second Day at NRB

Session 128 - Pastor Troy and Shaun Tabatt at NRB

Session 127 - Pastor Troy interviews Janet Boynes

Session 126 - Pastor Troy Kicks off at NRB

Session 125 - Importance of developing a kingdom lens

Session 124 - what's in our spiritual DNA

Session 123 - How God blesses faithfulness

Session122 - The full flower moon and its meaning

Session 121 - Dive into the Prophetic & Dream Interpretation

Session 120 - Spiritual Warfare and Supernatural Encounters

Session 119 - How to deal with haters

Session 118 - Insights for spending time with the Lord

Session 117 - Journaling w/ Crystal Lowery

Session 116 - Breaking Chains

Session 115 - Susan Cheatham

Session 114 - God in numbers!

Session 113 - Dreams

Session 112 - The Importance of Rest

Session 110 - Journaling

Session 111 - Kingdom Finances

Session 109 - Heavenly Encounters

Session 108 - You have to believe in the resurrection of Jesus!

Session 107 - How you have to believe in the resurrection of Jesus!

Session 106 - Recent prophetic encounter and our liberation work!

Session 105 - How to steward the impact of your miracle!

Session 104 - Redeeming your timeline study PT. 7

Session 103 - Uganda and miracles on missions

Session 102 - Redeeming your timeline study PT. 6

Session 101 - Lies from the enemy about building kingdom businesses

Session 100 - Becoming an Evangelpreneur!

Session 99 - Redeeming your timeline study PT. 5

Session 98 - Redeeming your timeline study PT. 4

Session 97 - Leading through a crisis!

Session 96 - Redeeming your timeline study PT. 3

Session 95 - Redeeming Time Study PT. 2

Session 94 - Spiritual Warfare

Session 93 -

Session 92 - Redeeming your timeline study PT. 1

Session 91 - The business lunch of New Beginnings 2021

Session 89 - Redeeming your timeline!

Session 90 - Being around next level leaders

Session 88 - The Process of writing a book